
Louca v Office of Public Prosecutor in Bielefeld, Germany and Serious Organised Crime Agency; Kaba v Creteil Court of First Instance, France

Author / Contributor: John Jones QC
Louca v Office of Public Prosecutor in Bielefeld, Germany and Serious Organised Crime Agency; Kaba v Creteil Court of First Instance, France
Issue: Whether the reference in s2(3)(b) Extradition Act 2003 to “any other warrant” referred to any other domestic warrant or any other European Arrest Warrant; whether an EAW contained sufficient particulars to comply with of s2(4)(c) of the 2003 Act; whether offences were extradition offences; whether extradition was barred by the passage of time; whether it was incompatible with Art 8 ECHR.
Court: Administrative Court
Reference:   CO/8780/2008, CO/9709/2008 & CO/6133/2008
Neutral Citation:   [2008] EWHC 2907 (Admin)
Judge(s): Dyson LJ, Pitchford J, Gross J
Date: 27 November 2008